Sunday, May 31, 2020

List 3 creative wordplays you know?

Jana Sakasegawa: Any one game for a round of words tennis. Can be played by two or more persons. The game commences when the first player calls out a single word, it can noun, verbs. adverb. adjectives etc; the next player will have to link up with a related word immediately without hestitation, to be followed by the next player and so on. For example. lets say that the first player starts the game with the word "glass". the second player will without delay offer a related word to link eg "drink" and the third follows with "water" and so until someone fails or hesitated with a suitable word and gets knock out; the games continues until there is one suvivor remaining.EDIT:By the way, ignore the immature kid whos copying & pasting my post.....Show more

Lashawnda Anteby: Wreck em, end ya music! / Recommend ya music

Burt Cheevers: Any one game for a round of words tennis. Can be played by two or more persons. The game commences when the first player calls out a s! ingle word, it can noun, verbs. adverb. adjectives etc; the next player will have to link up with a related word immediately without hestitation, to be followed by the next player and so on. For example. lets say that the first player starts the game with the word "glass". the second player will without delay offer a related word to link eg "drink" and the third follows with "water" and so until someone fails or hesitated with a suitable word and gets knock out; the games continues until there is one suvivor remaining....Show more

Bernie Cerra: Often my students enter my class with a very small palette of tone-terms to work with. As a result, they talk about poems as though they were composed in primary colors: happy, sad, angry, sarcastic, and maybe one or two more.

how are epidurals?.............?  

how are epidurals?.............?  

answers 0:i'm not planning on children any time soon but for when the time is right i'd like to know what an epidural is like. i'm just worried that it will be extremely painful especially if they don't get it in place good the first time and have to do it again.and i'm a very jumpy and shakey when nervous kind of person so i'm scared i'll move and screw it up causing damage to my spine.and it seems like having a tube in your back is not going to be very practical or comfortable during labor. so how much does it hurt? is it worth the pain or is that pain seemingly worse than the labor its self?and what are my other options for pain management? and how well do they work at easing the labor pains?and i've heard that when yo uare numb from the waist down it can be very hard to push good is that true? sorry for so many! questions and thanks in advance....Show moreanswers 1:Nope it dosnt hurt. At least I think it dosnt hurt but honestly when you are in labour you are in too much pain to care. And they got it in the wrong place for me three times. They numb the area first so that is probably the worst part but its nothing. just a little needle prick like having a vaccination. The hardest part is trying to stay still while you are having contractions. It took about 10 minutes for them to do it with me and i had about 5 contractions in this time. it was hard to stay still but had to. It is definatly worth it and no it didnt make pushing hard for me. I couldnt feel myself push but I still knew how to push. But I guess for some people it might be hard. I just pushed like I was trying to push out a huge poo and got my girl out in 45 minutes...answers 2:i know there are risks with it and that freaks me out. my sister's friend ended up having back problems and her spinal cord fluid gets backed up.! i know that it can be very dangerous and this is why i'm cons! idering not getting. but i certainly am not have a drug free labor either. i will obviously talk to my doctor when the time comes but i think i'd rather have every other drug i can besides the epidural.and i don't really like the idea of not feeling anything either. when i've had anything in the past that has numbed an area it feels weird and i hate it. like when having dental work i can't stand feeling numb it drives me nuts and actually if you can even imagine it it makes it painful in a weird way and i can't wait for it to go away. so i have a feeling i'd hate an epidural....answers 3:Well they give you local anaesthetic before putting the tube in, so you wouldn't really feel the pain after local anaesthetic. this is a good option as you can stay awake, at the same time you do not feel the pain. you actually feel numb from chest downwards. the doctor would guide you when to push.answers 4:i had one and hated it. it didnt hurt getting it put in- i just hated not being abl! e to feel my legs. u cant get comfy cos u cant move about too much. i wish i had stuck to the labour pain. least u can mov about. i just felt like a big pile of jelly- stuck in one position! never again!answers 5:I didn't even notice it both times that I had it. By the time you are ready for it, you are SOOOOOOOOOO ready for it to be done that you don't even feel it.answers 6:Well I'm not going to lie, it is painful. But with everything else that's going on it won't be as bad as if you were starting off with it.They will give you gas and air first which numbs a lot of the pain. So you won't really feel it anyway.The reason I give you this advise as I had one and I had had gas and air first and I didn't feel it.I had a bad pain that they didn't know what it was and because I started to panic and shake uncontrollably the baby got distressed so I had to have an emergency c-section.I had some gas and air before this and when I was taken in to theatre I had the epidural and nev! er felt it. A doctor stood in front of me and held me still, but he mad! e as though he was cuddling me as to comfort me, this stopped me from moving.It's probably the best way to go for pain relief if you are like me and panic very easily and can't really handle pain. But don't worry they are professionals and won't let anything bad happen. It is a routine operation and they do a hundred times a week....answers 7:Pain relief in labour: An epidural is an injection into the small of your back, using a curved hallow needle.answers 8:an epidural doesn't hurt and is not uncomfortable. yes its true that you are numb from the waist down, but a little before you start pushing they will turn off the epidural so you can push's some pain relief options. 9:They are a lot more dangerous than the doctors will let on. Make sure you research and are completely aware of the risks. You can have a headache for days (not fun when you'd rather be doting on your new baby), long term back pr! oblems, increased risk for infection, greatly increases your risk of c-section, the list goes on. Remember that any drug or procedure carries risks and epidurals are no exception. I would be all for pain relief but after looking into the statistics on epidural side effects and complications I decided it just wasn't worth the risk to me or my baby. I'm having a drug-free homebirth instead....

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sandstone trivia ... HELP PLEASE .. 1O POINTS!?

Dick Maisenbacher: There are actually different three types of sandstone.(1) Quartz sandstone formed as a result of the extreme weathering and sorting of a sediment until everything that can be removed has been removed. The high content of quartz is a result of removal of feldspar and lithic. This is done by the complete chemical weathering and then the final removal of the clay takes placed in high energy environments. Tidal sand bars that accumulate large bodies of quartz sand is yet another situation that leads to formation of sandstone. Sand-sized quartz grains could come from the weathering of source area rocks such as granite, gneiss, or other sandstones which contain quartz.(2) Arkose, a sandstone derived from disintegration of granite or gneiss, and characterized by high feldspar content. This is thus the quartz sandstone containing over a quarter feldspar with iron oxide cement. Micas may also be present. Bedding is sometimes present, but fossils are rare. It ! effervesces slightly in dilute hydrochloric acid thus indicating calcite cement. Its color is usually in the shades of buff, brownish-gray or pink. Arkose sandstone finds its applications in building stone, and millstones for grinding corn.(3) Litharenite or lithic sandstone is commonly known by the name of graywacke. It is predominantly composed of dark sand-sized rock fragments, with some mica, quartz, and feldspar grains in a clay-rich matrix. A litharenite is composed of sand-sized rock fragments. Check out the links below for more trivia....Show more

Friday, May 29, 2020

How do u teach ur guy how to kiss?

Alberto Kozub: Just keep kissing, kissing, and kissing. And you lead, I guess you could say. He'll adventually get better.

Irving Jordahl: Just show him how its done

Leticia Laiben: teach him the same way you learned

Gregory Dilg: Show him what you would want. And practice alot he'll get better at giving you what you want.

Comment traiter avec votre adolescent (pour les parents)

Comment traiter avec votre adolescent (pour les parents)

p>Au fur et à mesure que vos enfants approchent de l’adolescence, beaucoup de choses vont commencer à changer. Pour vous entendre et aider votre adolescent à se développer dans une direction positive, vous devrez changer vos attentes et développer de l’empathie, tout en établissant des limites. La création d’un environnement sécuritaire, positif, structuré et aimant est aussi importante pour vous que pour votre adolescent.

Concentrez-vous sur la confiance, pas sur les soupçons. Il est vrai que les adolescents peuvent avoir beaucoup d’ennuis, mais ne concentrez pas votre attention sur les mauvaises choses qu’ils ont faites dans le passé ou sur les risques qu’ils courent. Même si votre adolescent a grandement trahi votre confiance, il est important pour vous deux de réparer cette confiance. Si vous pensez que votre enfant mijote quelqu! e chose, demandez-lui de vous l’expliquer en détail. Posez des questions au lieu de tirer des conclusions hâtives. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr, dites à votre ado : « Je suis inquiet, mais j’ai choisi de vous faire confiance. »

Écoutez-les et comprenez-les. Bien qu’un adolescent en colère, amer ou hostile puisse être difficile à gérer, faites de votre mieux pour l’écouter et le comprendre. Tous les adolescents ont besoin de se sentir aimés. S’ils sont en colère ou contrariés, écoutez-les sans les interrompre. Laissez-les avoir leur espace s’ils ne sont pas d’humeur à parler et faites-leur savoir que vous pourrez en parler une fois qu’ils se seront calmés.

Consultez un conseiller ou un thérapeute. Si votre adolescent montre des signes d’anxiété, de dépression ou d’autres problèmes mentaux ou émotionnels, ou s’il est particulièrement destructeur ou rebelle, un thérapeute peut vous aider. Les adolescents peuvent être ! particulièrement sensibles aux événements émotionnels comm! e un déménagement récent, un divorce, une perte, l’intimidation, une rupture romantique ou d’autres facteurs de stress.

Faire face à une crise. Si vous pensez que votre adolescent est en danger, n’hésitez pas à prendre des mesures. Prenez au sérieux les paroles ou les menaces de suicide et le fait de faire du mal aux autres. Demandez de l’aide immédiatement en appelant les services d’urgence, en les conduisant au service des urgences et en alertant immédiatement leur thérapeute.

Soutenez les intérêts de votre adolescent. S’ils aiment le sport ou les activités, inscrivez-les et allez à leurs événements. S’ils sont musicaux, payez les leçons et allez à leurs récitals. Faites-les participer aux activités qu’ils aiment et montrez que vous les soutenez. Cela montre que vous vous souciez de leurs compétences et de leur bonheur et que vous vous y investissez.

Établir des limites et s’y tenir. L’adolescent doit savoir ce q! u’on attend de lui. Établissez des limites quant au moment où ils peuvent sortir, à l’heure à laquelle ils doivent rentrer à la maison et au rôle qu’ils jouent à la maison. Les adolescents voudront repousser les limites, alors restez ferme lorsque vous fixez une limite.

Faites attention aux comportements problématiques. Tous les adolescents veulent un certain degré d’intimité, mais sachez si votre adolescent est particulièrement secret. En tant que parent, vous devriez savoir avec qui ils traînent et où ils vont, et vous assurer qu’ils sont de retour avant le couvre-feu. Si votre adolescent cache ce qu’il fait ou se fait prendre dans le mensonge, prenez ces choses au sérieux. Ne laissez pas ces comportements glisser. Il se peut que les adolescents ne soient pas capables ou désireux d’exprimer leurs problèmes par des mots, de sorte qu’ils peuvent se tourner vers des choses extérieures pour faire face à leur douleur ou à leur confusion! .

Utiliser une communication efficace. Si vous gardez les voies d! e communication ouvertes, vous pouvez les aider à faire des choix positifs et éclairés ou à venir vous voir lorsqu’ils ont besoin d’aide. Dans la mesure du possible, maintenez une communication ouverte entre vous afin qu’ils puissent poser des questions, admettre leurs erreurs et communiquer avec vous lorsqu’ils ont besoin d’aide. Au lieu de tirer des conclusions hâtives sur le comportement de votre adolescent, posez-lui des questions. Essayez de comprendre leur position sans supposer qu’ils ont fait quelque chose de mal.

Restez calme. Si vous êtes en colère, prenez un moment et rassemblez-vous. Respirez profondément ou partez et revenez quand vous serez plus calme. De cette façon, vous aurez plus de chances de donner des conséquences justes et raisonnables. Surtout si votre adolescent sait comment vous pousser les boutons ou vous mettre en colère, il est particulièrement important de garder votre sang-froid et de ne pas le discipliner par frus! tration ou par irritation. Si vous vous sentez en colère ou bouleversé, syntonisez votre corps. Remarquez les endroits où vous vous sentez contrarié : avez-vous des nÅ"uds dans l’estomac, vous sentez-vous tremblant, ou commencez-vous à transpirer ? Remarquez ces signes et reconnaissez qu’il est temps de reculer.

Faire preuve de souplesse dans l’exercice de leurs libertés. Si votre enfant fait un effort et montre sa responsabilité, donnez-lui plus de liberté. S’ils font de mauvais choix, soyez plus restrictifs. En fin de compte, montrez-leur que leur comportement leur donne la liberté ou des restrictions et que leurs propres choix déterminent leurs résultats.

Amusez-vous bien ensemble. Assurez-vous de trouver le temps de profiter de votre adolescent. Même s’ils vous rendent la vie parfois difficile, faites des activités ensemble et avec la famille que vous savez que tout le monde appréciera. Par exemple, organisez une soirée de jeux en fa! mille une fois par mois et jouez à des jeux de société que votre enf! ant aime.. Si votre adolescent est aventureux, emmenez-le faire du karting. Si votre adolescent est artistique, prenez un cours de peinture ensemble. Trouvez un terrain d’entente et amusez-vous bien.

Honorez et respectez votre adolescent. Tout comme vous voulez que votre adolescent vous traite avec respect, traitez-le aussi avec respect. Soyez un bon modèle et montrez-lui à quoi ressemble le respect, même lorsque vous vous battez ou que vous êtes en désaccord. Crier constamment après un enfant peut endommager ses émotions et l’amener à se sentir mal à l’aise. Respectez leurs opinions et demandez leur avis.

Soyez raisonnable. Ne fixez pas de règles impossibles. Il n’est pas raisonnable de dire à votre adolescent d’aller se coucher à 19 h 30 ou qu’il ne peut pas sortir avec des amis. Les adolescents veulent la liberté et l’indépendance, alors soyez raisonnables en leur permettant ces choses. L’une des meilleures façons d’être rais! onnable est d’écouter le point de vue de votre adolescent. Demandez-leur à quelle heure ils pensent qu’il est approprié d’aller au lit les soirs d’école. Quand ils ont des ennuis, demandez-leur quelles pourraient être les conséquences raisonnables. Obtenez leurs commentaires et tenez compte de leur point de vue. En fin de compte, c’est à vous de décider.

Soyez à leur disposition. Les adolescents ne veulent peut-être pas toujours votre affection physique, mais ils veulent votre amour. Montrez votre amour à votre adolescent en étant là pour lui. Ne vous contentez pas de remarquer leurs résultats scolaires ou leur excellence sportive, félicitez-les pour ce qu’ils sont en tant que personne et pour les qualités qu’ils possèdent. Montrez votre amour par l’action, aussi. Qu’il s’agisse d’aller à leurs rencontres sportives ou de préparer leur lunch tous les jours, dites-leur que ce sont des actes d’amour. Ce ne sont pas tous les adol! escents qui veulent parler avec leurs parents, mais dites-leur que vous ! êtes prêts à les écouter.

Gérer les conflits. Parfois, vos adolescents peuvent vouloir faire leurs preuves auprès de vous ou tester leur indépendance à la maison. Refusez de vous battre avec eux. Vous pouvez éviter les conflits majeurs en surveillant vos propres réactions face à votre adolescent, même si vous pensez qu’elles sont scandaleuses. Si l’un de vous a de la difficulté à gérer sa colère, comptez jusqu’à dix ou respirez profondément. Si les choses deviennent trop chaudes, prenez un peu de temps avant de parler. Parlez calmement et, au besoin, acceptez d’être en désaccord.

Ouvrez votre maison aux amis de votre adolescent. Votre ado cherche un endroit où traîner avec ses amis. Soyez un bon sport en leur ouvrant votre propre maison. Créez un espace où ils peuvent traîner seuls, mais où vous pouvez vous promener de façon décontractée. Prenez des collations santé et laissez-les écouter leur musique, sortir et jouer à de! s jeux vidéo. Rendez-vous disponible, vous aussi. Vous serez surpris du nombre d’amis qui pourraient avoir besoin d’une oreille attentive.

Appliquer les conséquences. Apprendre à naviguer dans les comportements à problèmes peut s’avérer délicat. Si vous êtes trop indulgent, votre adolescent peut penser qu’il n’a pas de limites ou que vous ne prenez pas son comportement au sérieux. Cependant, si vous êtes trop strict, votre adolescent peut devenir rancunier ou se rebeller. Soyez ferme dans l’application des conséquences et ne laissez pas votre adolescent influencer votre décision. Lorsque votre adolescent enfreint une règle, dites-lui calmement ce qu’il a fait et pourquoi il a des problèmes. Lorsque vous décidez d’une conséquence, assurez-vous qu’elle est proportionnelle au comportement et qu’elle n’est pas donnée par colère.

Développer de l’empathie. À ce moment crucial de sa vie, votre adolescent cherche quelqu’un p! our comprendre ce qu’il vit. Si vous avez de la difficulté à commun! iquer avec votre adolescent, trouvez des moyens de vous rapprocher de lui. Mettez-vous à leur place et réfléchissez à ce que ce serait de vivre une journée dans leur vie. Si votre adolescent vous fait part d’un problème, écoutez-le. Ils n’ont généralement pas besoin de vous pour régler leurs problèmes (ils s’en rendront compte par eux-mêmes), mais ils ont besoin de quelqu’un qui les écoutera et les comprendra.

Développer de l’empathie. À ce moment crucial de sa vie, votre adolescent cherche quelqu’un pour comprendre ce qu’il vit. Si vous avez de la difficulté à communiquer avec votre adolescent, trouvez des moyens de vous rapprocher de lui. Mettez-vous à leur place et réfléchissez à ce que ce serait de vivre une journée dans leur vie. Si votre adolescent vous fait part d’un problème, écoutez-le. Ils n’ont généralement pas besoin de vous pour régler leurs problèmes (ils s’en rendront compte par eux-mêmes), mais ils ont b! esoin de quelqu’un qui les écoutera et les comprendra.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Should I study abroad in london?

Terrell Voltz: Yeah why not. London's an amazing but very expensive city. And about the laundry and cooking I'm sure that most host families would happily help you with that, no need to worry. If not there's always yahoo answers!

Truman Biby: London's great. If you do decide to come to London, be sure to check out the museums, especially the Tate Modern. London is very multicultural and quite a few foreign students come here to study so there will be plenty of others. Also you can visit France for a couple of days while you're hear as the Eurostar gets you to Paris in a few hours and it isn't too expensive. London isn't too expensive if you know the places to go. Things often get cheaper the further away from West End you get. I'm sure if you ask a native they'll be happy to give you advice....Show more

Neely Youngblut: I would say to go for it. Not very many people get that opportunity, and since you would also get financial aid, that's all the more reason to! go. It will give you an opportunity to learn another culture, and you'll be able to appreciate your culture as well as others. I myself would like to go to London to study abroad, but I don't come from a family with even fairly good income, so there would be no point. But for you, if you can afford it, I would say yes. :)And as far as the laundry and cooking goes, there's always the Internet to help you LOL. Even though your friends aren't going, as long as you feel secure enough to go by yourself, I'd do it and try to make new friends. :D...Show more

Comment déterminer rapidement l’équation d’une parabole sous forme de sommet

Comment déterminer rapidement l’équation d’une parabole sous forme de sommet

p>Les équations linéaires sont assez faciles à reconnaître. Lève-toi, c’est tout. Mais une équation quadratique est b>entièrement /b>différente et plus difficile à reconnaître. Ce guide pourra vous aider à reconnaître et à déterminer les équations quadratiques à partir de leurs formes graphiques.

Notez les coordonnées du sommet. Il n’y a qu’un seul sommet par parabole. Le sommet est le point sur la pointe de la parabole.

Trouvez le point suivant à partir du sommet de la parabole qui a des coordonnées avec deux entiers. Calculez la montée et la course entre ce point et le sommet.

Trouvez le point suivant à partir du sommet de la parabole qui a des coordonnées avec deux entiers (peu importe qu’il soit à gau! che ou à droite). Trouvez la montée et courez entre ce point et le sommet.

Convertir l’équation en forme standard si nécessaire. Cela pourrait être pratique si vous devez l’affacturer correctement.

N’oubliez pas d’utiliser l’équation x=a(y-h)2 k{displaystyle x=a(y-h)^{2} k} car une parabole qui s’ouvre de côté utilise une équation différente de celle qui s’ouvre vers le haut ou vers le bas.

Trouvez la valeur de a. Notez la valeur absolue de l’exécution. Ce sera le dénominateur de a. Pour trouver le numérateur de a, divisez simplement la hausse par la course.

Souvenez-vous de la forme de sommet d’une équation quadratique. L’équation pour les paraboles qui ont des ouvertures vers le haut et vers le bas utilise y=a(x-h)2 k{displaystyle y=a(x-h)^{2} k}. Mais si l’ouverture de la parabole fait face à gauche ou à droite, elle utilisera x=a(y-h)2 k{displaystyle x=a(y-h)^{2} k}.

Déterminez si a est positif ou né! gatif. Si la parabole est tournée vers le haut, alors a est p! ositif. Mais si la parabole est tournée vers le bas, a est négatif.

Remplacer h et k par les coordonnées appropriées. La coordonnée x du sommet remplacera h et la coordonnée y remplacera k.

Sélectionnez la parabole que vous voulez utiliser. La parabole doit se trouver sur un graphique sur un plan de coordonnées avec les coordonnées x et y.

Déterminez si a est positif ou négatif. Si la parabole s’ouvre vers la droite, a est positif. Mais s’il s’ouvre vers la gauche, alors a est négatif.

Remplacer h et k par les coordonnées appropriées. Remplacer h par la coordonnée y du sommet et k par la coordonnée x.

Trouvez la valeur de a. Notez la valeur absolue de la hausse. Ce sera le dénominateur de a. Pour trouver le numérateur de a, divisez la course par la montée.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Where should I study abroad?

Jayson Brod: It depends on what languages you speak. If all you can talk is AmeriKan.. then stay in your own country.

Mario Stricklan: You have so many options to choose from! You can enjoy the beauty of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil: pictures of kangaroos and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia: more about Shakespeare's hometown in England: down the cobblestone streets in Italy: think from what you told us about yourself you would really enjoy Brazil. The beautiful landscape, down-to-earth people, and relaxing environment is great for spiritual development.I hope this helps! Good luck!...Show more

Mauro Cowee: i studied in spain and it was incredible. i lived with a family that spoke no english, so i really got to learn an incredible amount about the culture, the peo! ple, the food - everything! their way of life is so different that it's refreshing: they don't live to work, they work to live; they enjoy their friends and family above everything else; they're laid back and hard working all at the same time; they appreciate every moment; and they truly care about providing you with an eye-opening experience so you know that life in the U.S. is not all there is. i'm a 24-year-old female and though i didn't major in psychology, i'm very interested in it. it was awesome getting to see how different people can be! the kids are really great, too; my host sister had two little ones and they were so much fun to have around! specifically, i was in alicante, spain - and i couldn't recommend it any more highly. not exactly a glamorous place ... but perfect for what i wanted :) have fun & good luck!...Show more

Vita Moodie: Talk to the someone (a professor, etc) in your department....they could probably give you some good ideas and there may e! ven be special study abroad programs for your major.......I've! been to Ireland, Wales, Belgium, Netherlands, England and France and all are great places.... it helps if you know some of the language. I have a friend who is an exchange student in Denmark and she is having language barriers.....Either way though, you will pick up the language anyways but still.......England reminds me a lot of here, only more expensive and they don't add stuff to their tea haha dont do it, some people get offended....France is okay...just realllllllyyy smokey at least in Paris...seems like everyone smokes.... Ireland I think would be boring.....Dublin isn't quite that great......I liked Belgium a lot....but Brussels smelled like pee....ummmmm....Netherlands is okay too but if I were you I would just shoot for somewhere that you REALLY want to visit and somewhere you could stand to live and EAT (big factor if you are picky)....Personally I'm aiming for Switzerland for college study abroad, only I just wanna go over the summer............LIke I said....y! ou have resources at school...use them....Show more

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What are the requirements of being a Special Education Teacher?

Lita Thammorongsa: It really depends on where you are located.A special ed teacher gets paid the same as any other teacher. It just depends on your experience and education level. Where I am the least amount you can make is 30,000. For bigger districts it is 32,000 and the highest paying district pays 37,000 for a 1st year teacher.In my state a teacher must take all gen eds. Once you have enough credits you apply to teacher education program. Once you are in the program you take all the needed classes, complete in classroom observations, and student teaching, then you can apply for license.Where I am if you want to teach elementary special ed you must major in an education program to get your degree as a classroom teacher. You must also enroll in the program to get your endorsement in special ed....Show more

Hilma Pestano: Good teacher have good quality. The following website is provide good detail of requirements of a special education teacher.http://www.teachersre!

Frank Crummell: Taking all basic classes but teacher certification then training.

Comment réinitialiser le Nintendo Switch en usine

Comment réinitialiser le Nintendo Switch en usine

p>Ce wiki vous apprend comment réinitialiser une console Nintendo. Vous pouvez réinitialiser votre console Nintendo dans le menu Paramètres de la console. La réinitialisation en usine de votre console Nintendo effacera tous vos jeux, profils et données de jeu de la console Nintendo. Cela ne peut pas être défait. Procédez avec prudence.

Tapez sur Suivant. Il se trouve au bas de l’écran d’avertissement Initialize Console.

Allumez la console Nintendo. Le bouton d’alimentation est l’icône avec le cercle et la ligne qui le traverse. Il se trouve en haut de la console Nintendo, sur le côté gauche, à côté des boutons de volume  »  » et « -« .

Tapez sur Initialiser. C’est le bouton rouge sur l’écran. Cela réinitialisera votre console à ses réglages d’usine. Une foi! s que le système a été initialisé, il ne peut plus être annulé. Ne procédez que si vous êtes sûr de vouloir effacer toutes les données de votre console. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr, appuyez sur Annuler pour annuler le processus d’initialisation.

Tapez sur ou sélectionnez l’icône de vitesse. L’icône d’équipement sous les icônes du logiciel sur l’écran d’accueil du Nintendo Switch. Naviguez jusqu’à cette icône et appuyez sur « A » ou double-cliquez dessus pour ouvrir le menu Paramètres système.

Faites défiler vers le bas et sélectionnez Initialize Console. C’est la dernière option du menu Options de formatage. Un écran d’avertissement s’affiche vous indiquant que toutes les données de votre console Nintendo seront effacées.

Faites défiler vers le bas et sélectionnez Système. Système se trouve au bas du menu Paramètres du système.

Faites défiler vers le bas et sélectionnez Options de formatage. Câ! €™est la dernière option du menu Système dans Paramètres sy! stème.

Tapez sur Suivant. Il s’agit d’une fenêtre contextuelle vous indiquant que le système doit se connecter à Internet afin de dissocier votre compte de la console.

Appuyez sur A. Appuyez sur le bouton « A » pour accéder à l’écran d’accueil du Nintendo Switch.

Monday, May 25, 2020

what are quotations??

Danyell Rowback: a quote

Eldridge Rieves: I collect quotes.I'll share some with you, then you will understand.“ If you don’t know where your going.Any road will take you there.” George HarrisonThe foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise man grows it under his feet.Never mistake knowledge for wisdom, one helps you make a living, the other helps you make a life.James OppenheimYou don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note.If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. Doug FloydLearn to pause . . . or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.“ If you can read this thank a teacher and since it’s in English, thank a soldier !! ”Hope you enjoy them. they are some of my favorites.Hope I was helpfull....Show more

Shane Getler: I thought it meant quotes e.g. "I did 10 quotations today" but the way your friend put it, it sounds like some sort of exercise... lol

Autumn Vacio: you quoted s! omeone =)for example..the famous line "to be or to not to be"is from a book..

Comment nouer un Sarong

Comment nouer un Sarong

p>Un sarong est l’un des essentiels de plage les plus utiles à avoir. En plus d’ajouter de la couleur et du flair à votre mode de plage, sa fonctionnalité et sa polyvalence lui permettent également d’être utilisé d’autres façons, comme une serviette de plage. Il y a un certain nombre de manières de nouer et porter un sarong, des jupes simples de cravate aux robes colorées de halter. Apprenez quelques-unes des manières par lesquelles vous pouvez attacher un sarong et maximiser sa polyvalence.

Pliez le sarong en diagonale. Pliez le matériau en deux en diagonale pour obtenir une forme triangulaire.

A porter comme une robe fendue sur le côté.

Tourner les deux coins l’un autour de l’autre deux fois. Puis nouez-les derrière votre cou pour former un licou.

Sinon, nouez la jupe de façon! à ce que vous soyez complètement couvert. Si vous préférez ne pas porter votre sarong avec une fente devant ou sur le côté, vous pouvez le nouer en utilisant une autre méthode :

Rassemblez les coins supérieurs devant votre corps.

A porter comme une robe drapée.

A porter comme une robe toga.

Rassemblez les deux extrémités du sarong et faites un nÅ"ud sur le côté. Faites un deuxième nÅ"ud pour fixer, puis enlevez les extrémités de la matière, de préférence pour couvrir les maillots de bain.

Prenez un coin du sarong dans chaque main. Pincez ensuite les coins jusqu’à ce que vous ayez assez de matériau pour faire un nÅ"ud.

A porter comme une robe bandeau cascade.

A porter comme une robe d’écharpe.


Faites un nÅ"ud. Rassemblez le matériel devant votre corps et faites un noeud simple. Puis nouez une deuxième fois pour fixer.

Torsadez le tissu sur le côté de la hanche. Si vous le souhait! ez, vous pouvez tourner le matériau d’un côté. De cette f! açon, vous exposerez une jambe en marchant.

A porter comme une robe à une épaule.

Tenez le sarong horizontalement. Enroulez le sarong autour de votre taille, comme une serviette.

A porter comme une combinaison.

Tenez le sarong horizontalement. Enroulez le tissu autour de votre dos, comme une serviette.

Dégagez les coins. Dégagez les coins du nÅ"ud en veillant à ce que le côté à motifs du matériau soit tourné vers l’extérieur.

Enroulez le sarong autour de votre taille.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Do you have to be gifted to teach gifted education?

Percy Seiger: I am aware of no state in the United States, or any other country for that matter, where one needs to be gifted in order to teach gifted children in specialized education programs designed for them.If we're talking the United States, if it were a requirement, it would be considerably difficult to find teachers in each school that would be capable of doing so. Gifted individuals represent ~2% of the school population, but given self-selections that occur later in life, it's unlikely that very many teachers are themselves gifted*.Note(*): I'm not aware of any studies on the number of educators at the primary and secondary levels who are gifted. I make my statement based on two things. First, there's a decent body of research regarding fields/career paths gifted individuals preferentially select and prefer, and anything involving primary or secondary education doesn't ever get mentioned (which makes sense for a large variety of reasons). Second, there's a stron! g relationship between performance in whatever major a person selects, and their level of intelligence. Given that it's demonstrable that the curricula for education majors isn't very rigorous in comparison to most other majors, that the GPAs of people in education majors is lower than for others in majors of equal (and even in a lot of cases, greater) rigor, would suggest there's a lack of gifted individuals who major in education, and thus end up becoming educators at the primary or secondary levels....Show more

Norma Marsalis: No, it's not required, but it's recommended, or your students will eat you for breakfast.

Walter Scordino: No. Though it could be helpful, it is not a requirement in Washington state or any other.There is also no requirement that a teacher in Washington state receive any education or training specific to gifted (in Washington state it's known as "highly capable") programming prior to being placed in a classroom. This is not unusual. ! Surveys from NAGC (National Organization for Gifted Children)! show that lack of training and professional development in gifted issues is one of the most common concerns among education leaders across the US....Show more

Bo Perham: No. You just have to be trained to teach gifted students. Just like you don't have to be bilingual to teach ESL/ELL students.Oklahoma, but it's pretty much the same in every state.

Cómo minimizar el estrés en la transición de la escuela a la universidad

Cómo minimizar el estrés en la transición de la escuela a la universidad

El cambio a la universidad puede ser estresante, pero hay formas en las que los nuevos estudiantes universitarios pueden minimizar el estrés por el que pasan. Hay maneras de ayudar a adaptarse a la transición incluso antes de llegar al campus, y también hay estrategias que puedes usar una vez que comiences la universidad para reducir el estrés. Siga leyendo para aprender más sobre cómo manejar su estrés a medida que hace la transición de la escuela a la universidad.

Cuente con el apoyo de amigos cercanos o familiares. Si tienes la suerte de tener un amigo o familiar cercano cerca de tu universidad, asegúrate de que esto te ayudará enormemente en tu transición. Para muchos estudiantes, tener a alguien importante cerca, o incluso algunas caras familiares alrededor, era suf! iciente para aliviar sus nervios al principio. Si no tienes amigos o seres queridos cerca, es posible que te sientas solo al principio de tu experiencia universitaria, así que mantente en contacto con amigos y familiares para reducir tu nostalgia y recibir apoyo. Usted puede hacer esto por:

Conoce gente y participa en el campus. Un factor clave para el éxito de la transición es la integración social. Una manera de asegurarse de conocer a mucha gente nueva desde el principio es unirse a un equipo deportivo o a la sociedad â€" desde el club de reggae hasta el lacrosse, sumergirse en la gran cantidad de clubes del campus es valioso para crear una red de apoyo social que muchos utilizan para hacer frente al estrés. Además de conocer gente a través de clubes y deportes, asegúrate de hablar con la gente en los pasillos de tu dormitorio, o con los que se sientan a tu lado en clase. Nunca se sabe cuál de ellos podría convertirse en un amigo cercano!

Utilice lo! s recursos de la universidad para ayudarle a adaptarse. Aprove! cha al máximo todo el apoyo disponible que tu universidad ofrece â€" no esperes hasta que estés luchando para buscar ayuda. Si usted tiene una discapacidad, esto es aún más importante â€" muchos campus ofrecen apoyo académico para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje que funcione para usted. Además del apoyo académico, también hay recursos para el apoyo emocional, como servicios de asesoramiento, grupos de pares y sesiones de apoyo para manejar el tiempo y hacer frente a los problemas. Los estudiantes sin estos recursos están más estresados durante su transición, así que asegúrese de usarlos cuando lo necesite.

Obtenga información de primera mano sobre cómo es la universidad. Para muchos estudiantes, el estrés que experimentan durante su transición de la escuela a la universidad se debe en gran medida a su incertidumbre sobre cómo será la universidad. Por lo tanto, es importante hablar con la gente y hacer preguntas sobre lo que se puede esperar de la u! niversidad. Hay varias maneras de hacerlo:

Tenga expectativas realistas. No deberías engañarte a ti mismo para que creas que la universidad es una gran fiesta, que te harás amigo de todos los que conozcas y que las clases serán fáciles. Si tienes expectativas poco realistas sobre la universidad y terminas decepcionado, es mucho más probable que te retires más tarde. Por lo tanto, es importante tener expectativas positivas pero realistas sobre cómo será su experiencia. Aquí hay algunas maneras de hacerlo:

Acostúmbrate a vivir independientemente. Una de las transiciones más grandes en la universidad es acostumbrarse a vivir solo y lejos de la familia y los amigos. Esta nueva necesidad de ser autosuficiente puede ser una gran fuente de estrés para los estudiantes. . Si usted ha vivido solo antes, esta transición debería ser mucho más simple. Sin embargo, si no tienes experiencia viviendo solo, trata de prepararte antes de que empiece la universidad ! haciendo algunas tareas domésticas comunes de forma independiente para! poder practicar la autosuficiencia. Por ejemplo:

Crear estrategias que le ayuden a lidiar con el estrés. Tener un mecanismo de afrontamiento que funcione para usted es clave para mantener bajos los niveles de estrés durante su transición. Puede tomar un tiempo encontrar uno que funcione para usted, así que pruebe unos cuantos diferentes, como por ejemplo:

Estructure sus días. Aunque estar motivado y tener una meta es bueno, sin una rutina será difícil lograr sus metas. Es importante ser auto-disciplinado y establecer una rutina para ayudar con la administración de su tiempo y su carga de trabajo. Establecer una rutina que permita un buen equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida privada puede tomar algún tiempo, pero vale la pena hacerlo ya que reducirá su estrés a largo plazo y se asocia con mejores calificaciones. Tómate un tiempo en la primera semana de clases para sentarte y crear un horario de tus días cada semana, planificando el tiempo que está! s en clase, el tiempo que estarás estudiando y tu tiempo libre.

Comprender los requisitos académicos de la universidad.

Piensa positivamente. Cuanto más seguro y optimista seas, mejor te adaptarás a la universidad… Mantenerse optimista sobre la transición a la universidad puede ayudar a reducir el impacto de los factores estresantes, y también puede ayudarle a sobrellevar mejor la situación… En lugar de entrar en la situación convencida de que no harás amigos, de que siempre extrañarás tu casa y de que no aprobarás una clase, haz lo mejor que puedas para pensar de manera positiva. Usted experimentará algunos desafíos en su transición, pero mantenerse optimista le ayudará a manejar activamente esos desafíos.

Sea auto-motivado. Serás mucho más independiente en la universidad y eso significa que tendrás que encontrar el incentivo para trabajar sin que nadie te lo pida, de lo contrario los cursos y las fechas límite se acumularán. Alg! una forma de motivación es vital para adaptarse y tener éxito en tus ! cursos, así que averigua qué te motiva, ya sea obtener buenas calificaciones para que puedas obtener una beca, enorgullecerte a ti mismo y a tu familia, o simplemente el objetivo de obtener tu título.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

I am junior at a University torn between two programs - HR/Education and Business (BBA) - I need advice, fast?

Daria Verfaillie: if i were u id ignore the guy that broke ur heart.. yes u might have feelings for him.. thats natural but you have someone who is one in a million.. obvously yall will get closer through time.. give him a chance.. dude number 1 had his chance.. number 2 is, as u said, 1 in a million.. work on that.. he is one year older than you .. he will more look at you as an equal rather than a child.. yall will grow together in love and share experiences.. tell guy number one that you love him and that cannot change but you are not IN love with him.. give number 2 a chance to be closer to you.. he sounds great...Show more

Chastity Doderer: From reading your descriptions, it seems like Education may be your true passion.I'm about to enter my junior year of college, majoring in marketing. However, I always wanted to be an elementary school teacher. I used to have jobs at schools and summer camps and dreamt of the day I had my own classroom. But once I entered! college, all these other ideas/opportunites popped into my head. Then, I started to not like kids so much. So after much thought about what I wanted to do, I realized my passion is helping people. With my marketing degree, I want to help out with non profit organizations.The point being is follow your heart. Do you like kids/teenagers or wearing suits and working with business people? Are you more content with less pay and more freedom or a bigger paycheck with deadlines to meet? It seems that you have more possibilities with the HR/teaching certificate. If you enjoy teaching, you can go back to school to get your bachelors in education. If you don't like teaching, you have the HR degree to fall back on. HR is a part of business. This way, you can have knowledge in both education and business.Good luck....Show more

Comment toiletter un teckel à poil long

Comment toiletter un teckel à poil long

p>Les teckels se déclinent en 3 types de poils différents : court, filaire et long. Le teckel à poil long a un pelage doux et soyeux qui nécessite plus de soins et d’entretien que les deux autres variétés. Pour que votre teckel ait l’air propre et propre, vous devrez régulièrement brosser son pelage, tailler sa fourrure et le laver au besoin.

Coupez la fourrure entre les orteils de votre chien. Le teckel à poil long a tendance à avoir les pieds très pelucheux. Il est particulièrement important de tailler les poils des pieds de votre chien si vous vivez dans une région enneigée, car la neige peut s’accumuler sur la fourrure et blesser les pieds du chien. Vérifiez régulièrement les pattes de votre chien et coupez tout excédent de poils à l’aide d’une tondeuse.

Mouiller le chien et masser dans le ! shampooing. Mouillez le corps de votre chien à l’aide d’une tasse remplie d’eau, d’un gicleur ou de vos mains. Verser une petite quantité de shampooing dans votre main et frotter vos mains ensemble. Ensuite, commencez à masser le shampooing dans le pelage de votre chien. Couvrez tout son corps, en allant jusqu’à la tête en dernier. Évitez le visage et les oreilles.

Brossez chaque section en commençant par la tête. À l’aide d’une brosse à lustrer, commencez à brosser chaque section de la couche. Commencez par la tête et descendez le long du corps du chien. Toujours brosser dans le sens de la pousse des cheveux. Ne jamais aller à l’encontre du schéma de croissance.

Nettoyez les oreilles du chien. À l’aide d’un coton et d’une solution nettoyante pour les oreilles de votre chien, essuyez doucement l’intérieur des oreilles de votre chien. Selon le mode d’emploi de la solution, placez la bonne quantité dans l’oreille et lai! ssez-la s’imprégner dans le canal. Massez doucement la base! de l’oreille entre l’index et le pouce pendant quelques minutes, puis laissez aller et laissez votre chien secouer la tête. Cela aidera à déloger les débris dans l’oreille et à expulser l’excès de solution nettoyante. Ensuite, essuyez doucement la zone autour de l’extérieur du conduit auditif pour déloger toute trace de cire. Vérifiez s’il y a des écoulements dans le conduit auditif.

Examinez les dents et les gencives de votre chien. La santé dentaire est très importante dans les teckels. Examinez régulièrement la bouche de votre chien à la recherche de dents cassées, de gencives rouges ou irritées et de dents brunâtres. Les chiens qui hésitent à jouer avec des jouets à mâcher, à manger ou à boire de l’eau froide peuvent avoir une maladie parodontale. Consultez votre vétérinaire si vous remarquez l’un de ces problèmes.

Coupez les poils de l’oreille interne. Le teckel à poil long est sujet aux problèmes d’oreilles! . L’environnement chaud et humide à l’intérieur de l’oreille est un terreau fertile pour les bactéries et les levures. Au besoin, utilisez une tondeuse pour couper leurs poils sur le rabat intérieur de l’oreille de votre chien. Cela aide à prévenir les enchevêtrements et permet une bonne circulation pour que l’humidité et la saleté ne s’accumulent pas.

Choisissez un shampooing. Les produits que vous utilisez pour baigner votre teckel à poil long doivent être spécialement formulés pour les chiens. Utilisez un shampooing non détergent de haute qualité. Idéalement, utilisez un shampooing et un revitalisant sans parfum, car ces produits chimiques ajoutés peuvent irriter la peau de votre chien.

Brossez le pelage de votre teckel tous les jours. Le brossage quotidien aide à éliminer tout poil détaché qui pourrait se coincer dans la fourrure du chien. Le teckel à poil long est plus susceptible de s’emmêler et de s’emmêler lorsquâ€! ™il n’est pas brossé à fond tous les jours.

Essuyez doucement! le visage et les oreilles du chien. À l’aide d’une débarbouillette douce, le moment est venu de laver le visage et les oreilles. Mouiller la débarbouillette avec de l’eau tiède et travailler dans une petite quantité de shampooing. Couvrez les yeux de votre chien d’une main pendant que vous lui essuyez doucement le visage et les oreilles.

Brosse les dents de ton teckel. Utilisez un dentifrice spécialement conçu pour les chiens et une brosse à dents souple pour brosser les dents de votre chien. Tenez doucement ses lèvres pour que les dents soient exposées et brossez doucement chaque dent. Idéalement, vous devriez brosser les dents de votre chien chaque jour.

Préparez votre chien au toilettage. Placez votre teckel à poils longs à un endroit confortable sur le sol ou sur une table de toilettage portative. Vous pouvez également utiliser un comptoir ou une table de cuisine. Si vous choisissez d’être sur le sol, disposez une serviette douce e! t large pour attraper les poils. Retirez tous les accessoires que votre chien peut porter, comme un harnais ou un collier.

Rincez le shampooing. En commençant par la tête, utilisez de l’eau tiède pour rincer le shampooing du pelage de votre chien. Assurez-vous que vous retirez tout le shampooing de sa fourrure, sinon votre chien pourrait avoir des irritations cutanées plus tard.

Rassemblez votre matériel. Avant de commencer à brosser votre teckel, assurez-vous d’avoir tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Prenez des pinces à cheveux, un peigne à dents fines et une brosse luisante. Vous pouvez aussi vous procurer une serviette ou une petite serviette pour attraper les poils qui se perdent lorsque vous brossez votre chien.

Rassemblez votre matériel. Avant de commencer à brosser votre teckel, assurez-vous d’avoir tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Prenez des pinces à cheveux, un peigne à dents fines et une brosse luisante. Vous pouvez aussi vous procur! er une serviette ou une petite serviette pour attraper les poils qui se! perdent lorsque vous brossez votre chien.

Divisez le pelage du chien en sections à l’aide de pinces à poils ou de barrettes. Vous voulez pouvoir vous concentrer sur une partie du manteau à la fois. Cela vous aidera à brosser chaque section à fond et à détecter tout enchevêtrement ou tapis.

Coupez les poils sur le ventre de votre chien. C’est ce qu’on appelle le « drapeau ». Les teckels à poil long ont tendance à accumuler des débris et des emmêlements dans cette partie de leur pelage. C’est une bonne idée de garder ces cheveux coupés. En plus d’être plus facile à brosser et à nettoyer, il aidera votre chien à se déplacer plus facilement. À l’aide d’une tondeuse, coupez les cheveux pour qu’ils n’atteignent pas le sol.

Séchez le pelage de votre chien avec un sèche-cheveux. À l’aide d’un sèche-cheveux réglé au minimum, commencez à sécher le pelage du chien. Assurez-vous que l’air n’est pas trop chaud ! pour ne pas brûler ou irriter sa peau. Vous pouvez vous brosser les dents doucement pendant que vous séchez.

Coupez les ongles du chien. Les ongles de votre teckel sont très petits, alors utilisez un coupe-ongles pour petit chien, pas un coupe-ongles ordinaire. Ne coupez que le bout de l’ongle, en évitant le rapide. Le rapide est une veine qui traverse l’ongle et qui saigne si on la coupe. Se faire couper rapidement est aussi une expérience très douloureuse et peut faire craindre à votre chien de se faire couper les ongles à nouveau.

Brossez le poil vers le bas en direction des pattes. Au fur et à mesure que vous terminez les premières sections, brossez vers le bas en direction des pattes de votre teckel. Continuez à brosser dans le sens où les poils poussent le long des jambes.

Mettez votre teckel dans la baignoire ou dans un évier profond. Les teckels n’ont besoin d’être baignés qu’une fois par mois, à moins qu’ils n’aient r! oulé dans quelque chose qui pue ou qui est boueux. L’eau doit être ! chaude, mais pas chaude. L’eau n’a pas besoin d’être trop haute, juste sous son ventre.

Peigner doucement chaque section. Après le brossage, passer à travers chaque section et peigner doucement les cheveux. Cela déloge les cheveux lâches et démêle les petits nÅ"uds. Utilisez un peigne à dents fines pour démêler plus facilement les nÅ"uds.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Im thinking about majoring in secondary education?

Rubye Bonnin: How about getting a part-time job as a teacher assistant to find out if you feel at ease in that type of environment. Please keep in mind though that the classroom teacher needs to be able to teach the required material as well as dealing with students with challenging behaviors.For general career info: colleges: more

Debora Soliani: It is certainly a big decision - not to be made lightly. First you need to consider what subject you would like to teach - you can't just get a degree in "Secondary Eduction" - you have to specialize. Choose something you enjoy or that interests you - you don't have to know it right now, that is what college is for. I chose to major in Mathematics because when I was in Junior College, I had such a great time in my math classes. I am now in my 9th year teaching. Second, you need to spend some time in a classroom. Many teachers qui! t after only a few years because it is not at all what most people expect it to be. If you know what to expect, then you won't be surprised when you get your own classroom. We have a college student at our school who is working on becoming a teacher and she comes into one of our lower end classes twice a week as a student assistant. See if that is available in your area. You will probably need to get finger-printed and have a background check run. Third, I would definitely check out some on-line teacher blogs. You don't always get the full story of what a teacher's life is like until you hear some of the stories and feedback. Good luck!...Show more

Emile Midgley: Well, why not Amanda; when u said the thought of teaching came into your mind NATURALLY, it means that teaching is something you like by your choice not by any other external fact, It indicates that you have very good explanatory skills(that's the reason you are more inclined towards teaching,aren't you! ?) and you like to share your knowledge.Very few people in thi! s world gets to choose what they like as their career ,you have time and opportunity right now in your hands.Just do it! As far as the question that whether it will turn out good career choice or not?? stands. I say think about it , teaching is real good career option especially for girls, my Mom is Principal in higher secondary school & my sister is Professor in college, and they both are doing really well.Best,Rahul...Show more

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Is preschool important for a shy child?

Corrina Faro: He is around other kids 2-3 days per wk at the library, at playgroups and field trips with the playgroup. . I am with him, though and that's my concern. The only thing he does without me is sunday school.Thanks

Shon Almquist: I know how you must feel. I have 2 boys, one started preschool this year and the eldest started kindergarten. The youngest was 3.5 when he started preschool and 9 months in he still asks me not to send him. But as soon as I leave he loves the work and he thrives on the contact with new friends and telling me all about the activities he gets up to during the day. Both my boys were the same and I am also a stay at home parent. The confidence does come for them as they were both clingy and shy children. The eldest took straight to kindergarten after preschool and loved it!!! I would suggest taking him to preschool and even though it will be very hard to see them upset you are doing the right thing for their confidence and self estee! m. My preschool liked to encourage us to pick the children up early at the start and extend the time each week. Which worked better for my kids. They can start off just going for a few hours and then after a few weeks you can make it after lunch and eventually the full day. My son after 9 months still gets dropped off at 9am and I must pick him up at 2:30pm before the other children and before I pick up the eldest. I hope this helps, but please realise it is very important for him to go and start to establish that self confidence that he needs.......Show more

Elden Dedon: personally having 2 sons (one is almost 4 and one just turned 15) i put both my sons in preschool, it is great for them to learn some independence, and it helps get them ready for kindergarten! as long as it is a good one, i bet you will see a big difference in him once he started going as far as confidence and social interaction with others!

Veta Slicker: Send him to preschool or start arrangi! ng playdates and playgroups that you can drop him off at. Or, ! see if there's a well-reputable in home provider in your area that you could drop him off at just for socialization. You could always look into a daycare center a couple of mornings each week--they should all have a preschool curriculum and should allow you to bring him just a few days a week. I'd look into one of those options because once he hits kindergarten, he's going to be shocked beyond belief. He needs to get used to being away from you or he's going to have difficulties adjusting socially next year, which will hinder his academics....Show more

Collin Barter: Preschool is costly and maximum of them at the instant are not something better than a daycare(i've got seen them). Kindergarten is while she will meet acquaintances and be social. i did no longer pass to preschool and had no hardship making acquaintances or discovering and that i proceed to make A's and B's. I already knew my ABC's and 123's and colours basically from being a curious little infant. Presc! hool is not sensible relatively considering which you are able to stay at living house and watch her. enable her be a infant in the previous going to college....Show more

Manie Labat: I think preschool is very important for a shy child. I think it is important for all children actually but especially for the shy. I've seen first hand the effects of preschool on a bashful child. Most of the time children are shy because they are not used to being around a lot of other people outside of their family and are overwhelmed by people that they do not know. By placing them in preschool it gets them away from their normal environment (their comfort zone) and allows them to adjust to being around new and different people. I think that waiting until kindergarten is a bad idea because this could harm your childs educational experience. If your son goes into kindergarten as a shy child that is one more obstacle for the school to have to face and if it takes a while for him to get! over his shyness he could fall behind all of the other children or wor! se his shyness could hinder him in a way that he never stands out in class and the teachers think he is too immature and in either of those situations he could eventually get held back simply because he had more to learn as a kindergarten student and isnt at the same level as the other students which is something most parents never want their children to go through. On the note of not being able to find a good preschool- maybe it is not so much finding a preschool but finding a small licensed childcare provider that does a lot of interaction with the kids. I would suggest looking in your area to see who all has home childcare and I realize there is a lot of negativity towards some home childcare places but check around on their reputation, go visit the place before you decide anything, it is pretty easy to determine if the place would be good or bad for your child....Show more

Logan Bero: I think it is important for him to be involved in some activity that you are not! in. The town I live in has a pre-k program but they only allow children w/ "special needs" to take part in it until they are 4 so they have to be tested first. They normally look for children w/ learning disibilities or something like that but I had my daughter tested because she was so shy (she used to cry when she met new people). They said brain function wise she was too far ahead of the class but socially she needed it so they accepted her. It did wonders for her! If you cant find a program that you are happy w/ nearby I would suggest maybe a daycare center 2-3 days a week that way you can drop him off and he could start to bond without your pressence. I know daycare can be expensive even just a few days a week so maybe if you have a gym membership you can take him to the childrens playroom while you workout (I know the YMCA has a nursery type room w/ an adult present and your child can stay there for up to 2 hours at a time) and you could get in a few laps or sit in t! he sauna or somthing a few days a week while your child interacted w/ o! ther children....Show more

Bryant Pillitteri: i think since your child is soo shy and has a hard time adjusting you need to put in back into preschool, it will help him with social situationsi am learning this the hard way my son is in pre k 4 and is struggling because hes shy and timid put him in school it will help him

Leif Serabia: I think preschool is good for any kid that will be going to school. They need the stimulation from being around other children and not just around mom or dad all the time. Even if you put him in 1 or 2 days a week, he will be more secure when he has to make the big jump into regular school 5 days a week.

Karey Dunken: I agree with Heather, I think pre-school is important for all children. Not just from the academics standpoint, but learning how to socialize and interact with other children without having mommy and daddy around to supervise. I'm also a big fan of weaning. Going to Kindergarten 5 days a week after staying h! ome 7 days a week will be an adjustment. Perhaps easier on him and you since you're a stay at home mom, to let him go 2 to 3 times a week for half days.

Cómo elegir calcetines para patinar sobre hielo

Cómo elegir calcetines para patinar sobre hielo

Pruebe con calcetines delgados si no le gusta que sus patines le queden demasiado apretados. Deben estar al menos a la altura del corte de la tripulación y preferiblemente más altos. Demasiado bajo y los calcetines simplemente no hacen lo que usted necesita, es decir, proteger sus pies. Dicho esto, si usted tiene grandes inserciones en las botas de patinaje, los calcetines a la altura del tobillo podrían funcionar y pueden prevenir las antiestéticas líneas de los calcetines, si eso es un problema.

Trate de equilibrar el grosor con la practicidad. Si los calcetines son demasiado gruesos, puede ser difícil usar los patines cómodamente. Por otro lado, si son demasiado delgados, puede dañar o lastimar su pie debido a que no está adecuadamente protegido. Si alquila patines, vaya con cuidado y use calcetines largos y gruesos.


Decida si prefiere calcetines o medias. Algunos patinadores prefieren medias porque toda la pierna está cubierta y las medias pueden proporcionar más calor. Sin embargo, otros patinadores encuentran las medias demasiado constrictivas, como alrededor de la cintura, o incluso pueden encontrar las medias picantes y calientes. Si prefieres medias, entonces el resto del artículo no es relevante, y tal vez quieras leer Cómo elegir medias para patinaje sobre hielo en su lugar.

Considere la posibilidad de usar medias hasta la rodilla.

Averigüe qué tipo de patinaje va a hacer.

Pruebe con calcetines de rodilla. Estos pueden ser la combinación perfecta de altura y grosor suficiente, ya que muchas rodillas se hacen teniendo en cuenta las estaciones más frías. Pruebe diferentes marcas y pregunte a las personas que han ido a patinar lo que llevaban puesto.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Math homework help please?

Chris Wilczewski: try setting it up this waygallons---->quarts ( 1 3/8 = 1.375 in decimal form - i did this for all of the questions )1------------->4 ( because 1 gallon = 4 quarts )1.375------->x ( from the first question - use x for the unknown ) now cross multiply 1x = (4)(1.375)x = 5.5 quarts 2)quarts---->gallons4------------->1 ( because 4 quarts = 1 gallon )10.5------->x ( from the 2nd question - use x for the unknown ) now cross multiply 4x = (10.5)(1)4x = 10.5 ( divide both sides by 4)x = 2.625 gallons 3)yards---->inches 1------------->36 ( because 1 yard = 36 inches )6.375------->x ( cross multiply )1x = (6.375)(36)x = 229.5 inchestry the rest like this conversion rates for the following are5280 ft----> 1 mile8 pints ----> 1 gallon4 cups----> 1 quart1760 yards----> 1 mileHope that helps !...Show more

Cómo hacer que los lirios florezcan

Cómo hacer que los lirios florezcan

Las alzas (Iris spp.) vienen en una variedad de tamaños, formas, colores de flores y temporada de floración. Si usted tiene iris que tienen más de un año de edad y no están floreciendo, hay algunas causas posibles que por lo general pueden ser fácilmente corregidas, incluyendo permitir que sus iris tengan más espacio para crecer, dándoles la luz solar que necesitan, alimentándolos para ayudarlos a florecer.

Agite el suelo de los rizomas para que pueda dividirlos más fácilmente. Separe varios rizomas a mano. Asegúrese de que haya un abanico saludable de hojas adheridas a cada rizoma.

Entienda que los iris requieren la luz del sol para florecer. La falta de luz solar impedirá que los lirios florezcan en todo su potencial. Estas plantas requieren al menos de cuatro a seis horas de luz solar directa cada día.

Tenga en cuenta que los l! irios necesitan ser divididos. La primera y más probable causa de que el iris no florezca es el hacinamiento. Los lirios deben ser desenterrados, divididos y replantados cada tres o cuatro años.

Deseche los pedazos más viejos de rizoma sin hojas que crezcan de ellos. Vuelva a plantar los rizomas restantes y sanos de inmediato. Elija un lugar que sea brillante y soleado. El suelo debe drenar rápidamente o de lo contrario sus iris se empaparán los pies, lo que también puede detener su capacidad de florecer.

Corte las hojas a una altura de seis pulgadas. Use una pala para comenzar a trabajar la tierra aproximadamente a seis a ocho pulgadas de distancia de los tallos de los lirios. Afloje el grupo de raíces del iris lejos de la suciedad.

Déle a los lirios un fertilizante de 5-10-10-10. Esto significa que el fertilizante debe contener 5% de nitrógeno, 10% de fosfato y 10% de potasa. Planee usar aproximadamente ¼ libra de fertilizante por cada 25 pies ! cuadrados.

Déle a su iris el agua que necesita, dependi! endo del tipo de iris que sea. Se necesita suficiente humedad para que el iris florezca, pero la frecuencia de riego depende principalmente de la especie del iris.

No rocíe el fertilizante sobre los rizomas, ya que puede dañarlos. En su lugar, rocíe el fertilizante alrededor del exterior del grupo principal de rizomas. Riegue la planta para ayudar a mezclarla con la tierra.

Determine qué tipo de iris está creciendo en su jardín. Ajuste el programa de riego de acuerdo con las necesidades específicas de su iris.

Mueve tus lirios. Si sus iris están plantados en un lugar sombreado, muévalos a un lugar más soleado a finales del verano. Asegúrese de que el suelo de la nueva ubicación drene rápidamente.

Considere el uso de una fórmula de liberación lenta. Se puede usar una fórmula de liberación lenta de 6 meses si se prefiere. Si no se utiliza un fertilizante de liberación lenta, los lirios que vuelvan a florecer deben ser alimentados con ! fertilizante inmediatamente después de que florezcan en la primavera.

Busque fertilizantes que no promuevan la floración. Los fertilizantes con alto contenido de nitrógeno, como los que se usan para fertilizar el césped, sólo estimulan el crecimiento de hojas verdes. No favorecen la floración.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Is Home-schooling legal in Austria?

Stephnie Patout: i will no longer be able to have faith this! that this modern day something so awful and entirely mortifying ought to probable pass on un-observed. the place replaced into something of the family members? How can some one so relatively evil destroy out with this. i quite am 21 years previous and sense a super load of sympathy for those ladies. Their mom no longer in basic terms robbed them of their childhoods, she thoroughly stole their lives. i will no longer be able to think of transforming into up with no need the flexibility to quite enhance up, taking part in facilitates youthful infants to enhance, socializing is likewise substantial, without those issues and the million different existence changing reviews those ladies have been robbed of they have not had a huge gamble to be the persons they need to have more advantageous into. Now they ought to pass by way of a hell of alot just to have the potential to stay "established" lives. i will no longer ! be able to think of how every person yet on my own their own mom, somebody who's meant to be there to nurture and help them enhance ought to probable try this. That woman desires some severe medical care, in case you inquire from me she must be imprisoned for a minimum of thrice the years she so unlawfully took from those ladies. those ladies especially the eldest won't in any respect totally recover from this. I HATE that females!!!...Show more

Frank Crummell: Not sure about Austria. But here's a bunch of links about Germany: I'm going to assume, since the Hamburg family fled to Austria when being prosecuted, that there is some form of legal homeschooling there.Also, wanted to mention, that if you are American, then you can homeschool pretty much anywhere, so long as you retain your American citizenship....Show more

Iris Shawcroft: yes, for one year, after which the government can choose if you should be a! llowed to continue. I would contact your local school to find ! out more.and you might contact this guy, homeschooler in Austria

Comment rédiger une demande de proposition

Comment rédiger une demande de proposition

p>Un appel d’offres est un outil commercial qui permet aux entreprises de rechercher des consultants ou des pigistes pour combler un besoin. L’élaboration d’une DP efficace augmentera vos chances de recevoir de bonnes propositions de la part de candidats bien qualifiés. Plus vous êtes ouvert à vos attentes dans la DP, plus vous aurez de chances de trouver le bon candidat pour le poste.

Établissez la portée et les limites prévues de votre projet. Avant de rédiger la DP, vous devriez connaître la portée et les limites de votre projet. Vous devrez peut-être redimensionner le projet si vous vous rendez compte que vous en demandez trop en trop peu de temps.

Décidez qui lira les propositions et attribuera le projet. La personne qui lira les propositions envoyées en réponse à la DP devrait probablement ! au moins lire, sinon écrire, la DP avant sa diffusion.

Lisez d’autres appels d’offres. L’une des meilleures façons de rédiger une DP efficace est de lire les demandes des autres. Cela vous donnera une idée de l’information à inclure, du type de mise en page le plus facile à lire et à suivre, et du type de visuels supplémentaires à inclure.

Soyez précis, mais pas trop précis. Même si vous voulez que votre demande de propositions soit claire et précise quant au type de projet et de consultant auquel vous vous attendez, vous ne voulez pas qu’elle soit si précise que vous excluez les bons candidats. Trouver un équilibre peut être difficile.

Déterminez votre budget. Vous devez avoir un chiffre concret pour le montant d’argent que vous serez en mesure de dépenser pour le projet. Le fait d’être franc avec le budget qui vous est alloué facilitera votre relation avec le consultant que vous embauchez à long terme.

Précisez l! es qualifications minimales d’un candidat. En plus des besoi! ns et des désirs propres à votre projet, vous voudrez peut-être définir vos attentes quant aux antécédents, à la formation et à l’expérience des consultants qui travailleront à votre projet.

Organiser efficacement la demande de propositions. Comme vous fournissez beaucoup d’information dans un espace restreint, l’organisation est la clé d’une DP efficace.

Relisez votre demande de proposition avant de l’envoyer. L’envoi d’une demande de proposition peu claire ou truffée d’erreurs de grammaire et de fautes de frappe n’est pas professionnel et pourrait vous coûter quelques bonnes propositions. Pour être pris au sérieux en tant qu’entreprise, vous devez envoyer un produit de qualité.

Envoyez les demandes de propositions à des firmes d’experts-conseils réputées. Bien que les grandes entreprises aient souvent de nombreux consultants différents qui travaillent pour elles, elles essaient de protéger l’image et la réput! ation de leur entreprise, de sorte qu’il est peu probable qu’elles aient des employés dont le rendement est inférieur à leur niveau d’attentes.

Respectez vos délais. Une entreprise qui envoie une proposition en retard risque également d’être en retard sur les dates limites du projet. Si vous êtes sérieux au sujet de vos dates limites, ne tenez pas compte des propositions qui ont été soumises après la date limite. Si les délais vous préoccupent moins qu’un produit de qualité, vous voudrez peut-être quand même tenir compte des soumissions tardives.

Limitez le nombre d’entreprises ou de personnes auxquelles vous envoyez votre demande de proposition. Si votre demande de propositions est envoyée à tout le monde, vous recevrez soit trop de propositions à examiner de façon réaliste, soit votre demande de propositions ne sera pas prise au sérieux.

Rédigez une carte de pointage que vous utiliserez pour évaluer les propositions. C! ela peut vous aider à préciser vos besoins et vos attentes avant de r! édiger votre demande de proposition. De cette façon, vous vous assurerez d’inclure et de mettre l’accent sur les facteurs les plus importants dans votre demande de propositions.

Inclure tous les détails pertinents. Même si vous ne voulez pas submerger les lecteurs de votre DP de renseignements inutiles, vous devriez inclure tous les détails pertinents. Il peut s’agir notamment de :

Demander des références. Assurez-vous de demander des références dans le cadre de votre DP. Vous devriez être en mesure de savoir si les anciens clients ont été satisfaits à la fois du processus de travail avec un consultant ou une entreprise et du projet final qu’ils ont reçu.

Sachez ce que vous voulez. La première étape consiste à connaître le type de résultat que vous attendez d’un projet. Avoir une vision vous aidera à poser les bonnes questions sur les services d’un consultant.

Évaluez vos objectifs et votre mission. Les objectifs et l! a mission d’ensemble de votre entreprise peuvent être aussi importants que les détails du projet lui-même.

Donnez suffisamment de temps aux individus pour préparer une proposition de qualité. Donner aux entreprises et aux consultants suffisamment de temps pour lire et absorber votre demande de propositions, créer leur propre vision du projet et préparer une proposition de qualité vous donnera une meilleure idée de ce que sera le projet final.

Établissez une chronologie. Vous devrez établir un calendrier détaillé avec des dates limites pour la proposition et le projet lui-même. Vous pouvez diviser le projet en étapes ou étapes et assigner une date limite différente pour chaque étape.

Dressez la liste de vos « must haves » et de vos « like to haves ». Une façon de savoir ce que vous voulez vraiment en réponse à votre demande de propositions est de dresser une liste de vos besoins et de vos désirs. Chacun de vos besoins ou de v! os incontournables doit être inclus dans votre demande de propositions! . Vous voudrez peut-être inclure certains ou la plupart de vos  » désirs « , mais assurez-vous que votre demande de proposition ne devient pas irréaliste ou trop lourde.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Questions about Home Schooling?

Long Woltjer: 1) How long do you homeschool (through highschool?)However long you want to. Yeah you can go through highschool if you want. You can go between public and home school as it suits you.2) Does a parent that home schools need to have any educational requirements? (i.e. must have masters degree)I'm pretty sure no, at least in most states. But different states have different laws, so you'd need to check into that according to where you live.3) I am a fairly intelligent person, but have been stumped by my daughters 8th grade math questions. How do you teach something advanced unless you already know the work yourself? Learn it yourself. If you can't, then hire a tutor. Sometimes kids are bright enough to teach themselves. In some states, I think you can go to public school for just one subject, but be homeschooled the rest of the time. So you could do that.4) How many hours per day of instruction (not counting "homework" do you give? How many hours of homework? Us! e the 7th grade as an exampleHowever much you want. You can go as long as public school goes, six hours, or you can do fewer hours and just teach through summer when public schools kids have off. Just do whatever is best for you and your kid. And you don't have to follow the same curriculum as the public school. Teach whatever you think is important. Except in some states, you have to have a similar curriculum.5) If you have more than 1 kid, how do you divide your time? For a lot of subjects, there is no need to divide them according to age. History is an example. A ten year old and a fourteen year old could learn the same lessons. Also, depending on how you teach, the kids read a lot, which doesn't require your attention. So while one kid reads, you can be giving a science lesson to the other kids. Or you could have the kids teach each other sometimes. Kids like sharing what they've learned.6) If you have kids in the 6th 7th and 8th grade, are you in teaching mode 18 hours! a day? No. Again, you could just teach like three hours a day! per kid, going year-round, without summer vacation, and when you cut out recess and lunch break like public school kids have (that is to say, homeschooled kids of course have lunch break and recess, but that doesn't require you teaching them, so that doesn't count), so three hours is about right. But, let's say, hypothetically, that each kid has five hours of school a day. Say you have one hour on reading/English, one hour science, one hour math, and one hour on history and one hour PE or music. Think about it. You only have to teach math and science, and even that is just giving them a lesson, and then they go off and do worksheets or whatever, and you just have to be available in case they need extra help. English/Reading they do on their own - they don't need you to read a book or to write a paper. PE they don't need you - they can go for a run or play sports by themselves. History is mostly reading a history book. And it would even be cool if they were all learning the! same history lessons at the same time to discuss it with each other. So you could lecture them all at once. It can easily be done with some thinking and planning....Show more

Rocio Karvis: 1) We're not sure how long our kids will homeschool. On the one hand, our daughter could probably be done most of high school before she'd be eligible to being high school, which would put her in probably gr. 12 at the age of 14 and I don't think that'd work out so well. But, then again, maybe it won't be like that and she will want to go to school. As for my son, I truly have no idea. He's such a difficult kid to figure out.2) Here in Alberta, no.3) Find some really good resources, teach the child how to search for helpful sites online, find a tutor. (No, haven't hit that yet.)4) My older child is only in gr. 4. I assume by gr. 7 she'd be doing a solid 3 hours of work in the morning, plus extra time for other educational, non-core subject pursuits. She loves to read, write, draw a! nd play music on her own time, but those are all educational activities! , too. I do not give homework. The point of homework is to finish up what you've done in class or to help a child practise things at home or to help the parent see what is going on in class. We have all day to finish up what is required. Or we can decide to put it off to the next day since we don't HAVE to have everybody on the same page each day. There's plenty of time to work on things within school time instead of giving some worksheet to do "after school".***ADDED: I just saw your answer on another thread. If you believe that your children are spending 6 hours a day being taught or ON TASK the entire time, you are sadly mistaken. There is so much waiting in a typical classroom and sitting in a desk "being taught" is often one of the worst ways to learn. (I'm a former classroom teacher!)5) We do a lot of things together, with each one working at their own pace. Or I switch off--work on reading with one while the other one is doing silent reading or working independently ! on a project, for example, then allow the first to do something independently while I work with the other.6) n/a However, I will say that homeschooling itself is kind of like being in teaching mode 18 hours a day. There's always an opportunity to tie in a lesson, even if it's not something you've planned or assigned to do....Show more

Tomeka Hameen: 1) How long do you homeschool (through highschool?)Yep.2) Does a parent that home schools need to have any educational requirements? (i.e. must have masters degree)Nope. Really it isn't necessary. In my state, even school teachers are not required to have masters degrees. Studies on peer tutoring have shown that working one-on-one and working at a students own pace seem to outweigh the need for subject-matter expertise.3) I am a fairly intelligent person, but have been stumped by my daughters 8th grade math questions. How do you teach something advanced unless you already know the work yourself? There are many different ap! proaches to education. One of the things I've seen homeschooling foster! in a child is being a self-motivated learner. Parents don't need to teach their kids everything; the best thing they can do, IMO, is to teach their child how to learn, foster their interests, and provide a stimulating environment and world to explore.I'm not mathmatically inclined, either. My 16 yr old studies math on her own since she hit algebra. She uses a computer program (High School Math Advantage), some old textbooks we've collected, free worksheets she prints off the internet, etc. She'll check her own work against the answers given. If she runs into problems, she'll ask a friend who is a math whiz to help her out. I'll ask her how it's going, but I honestly don't understand the math she is studying. If she really needed more help, I'd employ a math tutor. If she decided to stop after algebra 2, that would be fine with me as I never got passed it and managed to get through life. However, she would have to then accept the consequences of not getting into the school ! she wants to go to for college.Can she lie to me and be blowing off math altogether? Sure, but it would be to her own detriment, and she knows that. She has a specific university in mind, and knows what she needs to score to improve her chances of being accepted there. She knows if she blows it off, she won't meet that goal. You can't beat intrinsic motivation. 4) How many hours per day of instruction (not counting "homework" do you give? How many hours of homework? Use the 7th grade as an exampleTry to think of it as a different model of education; we (my family) don't try to re-create a school at home environment. We try to create an environment that fosters learning and interest in different topics. We use a number of different approaches and resources so that learning is just a part of our daily lives.We don't have set hours or use a set curriculum. My kids spend a certain amount of time every day (all year round) on what we call "skills practice," which is, for the you! nger ones, math, phonics/reading, and language arts and writing (my dau! ghter is pretty much self sufficient since she turned 16 and started taking community college courses). Sometimes they finish in a half hour, sometimes a couple of hours.Then they have their unit studies, which are generally free studies. They pick their own topics (though sometimes they work on the same topic together). For example, they have recently been learning about space. I read some age appropriate books to the 6 yr old, and the 8 yr old read some more of his own that were a little more involved. We've explored interactive websites, found a space game on the NASA website we printed up and put together and played. They worked on their own poster board projects on the solar system, watched a few Magic School Bus episodes, went to the local museums to look at space exhibits, laid under the stars and talked about them, etc. This has gone on for about 3 weeks now and it's about exhausted.In addition, the younger kids take classes with our homeschool co-op, and my daughte! r takes classes at the community college and has learned a great deal by volunteer positions as a teachers helper or in the office at our local public library.5) If you have more than 1 kid, how do you divide your time? I don't divide time into teaching my children seperately in their individual grade levels. They all do thier skills practice, usually in the mornings, at the table at the same time. If one has a problem or is moving on to a new concept, we might go into another room and work individually for a while. Sometimes the older children help the younger children. With their unit studies, they usually work at the same time, too. Somtimes independantly, sometimes together. Sometimes I join in, sometimes I let them get into their own research or project and they'll tell me later all about the things they have discovered or come dragging me into the living room to see what they've done. In their co-op, they take different classes. My 8 yr old is more science oriented a! nd usually takes things like chemistry or lego engineering. My 6 yr old! is more artsy and free-spirited and likes to take classes like yoga, art and learning games. 6) If you have kids in the 6th 7th and 8th grade, are you in teaching mode 18 hours a day? No, absolutely not. I am never in "teaching" mode. I see myself more as a guide, not as the pitcher that fills and empty vase. Our educational philosphy springs from the saying that education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. We simply try to keep our children moving forward on their basic skills, and to introduce them to a number of other subjects and topics and encourage them to pick up and run with those that really catch their interests and imaginations. We also like to teach them that learning has it's own rewards-- to show them the value of education in their every day lives and help them find the internal motivation to learn things, even if they aren't fun. Hence, my daughter studies math on her own in order to get a better SAT score so she can get into the univ! ersity of her choice, and with scholarships she hopes. My 8 yr old never wanted to learn how to read when he was 5 or 6-- he didn't like reading. That was until he became interested in participating at our local library's monthly Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments. He was required to be able to read the rules and the cards himself, so he started pulling out the phonics books on his own. Homeschooling, I've always said, is a misnomer, because education doesn't necessarily have to take place at home, or resemble school at all.MSB...Show more

Mark Hovanes: 1. So far we've gone through middle school, plan on going through high school.2. No ed requirements in Oklahoma. Does it make you feel better to know I have a BS? ;-)3. Covered the same way teachers do, by going over material before presenting it to children. I did have to brush up on trig before we finished algebra. I think it's good for children to see that adults don't know everything, and also that we can learn at any age. One q! uestion though, if you don't know it now, why is it so important for ch! ildren to master?4. We don't assign homework, but they do have independent study. We unschool our younger children, but our older son we spend about an hour a day going over college prerequisites together. They come to us with any questions.5. I have seven children. Time is easily divided already with a schedule, and emergencies are addressed as they come up. They play together or work together while I help the older children. While the older children are working alone, i play with the youngers.6. My son is in seventh grade. He's doing ninth grade work. I am in parenting mode 24 hours a day. I don't need teaching mode because my kids are excited to learn and i am their facilitator instead of enforcer.Hope this helps. I'll be interested in seeing other's answers. This is an interesting question, thanks...I've been feeling blase about questions lately....Show more

Elinore Schlinker: 1. We intend to Home school through High school. My daughter will be dual enrolled at a ! community college in the 11th grade. She will be graduating High School with a two year degree if all goes well.2. In Florida, parents need a High School diploma I believe. I am not completely sure if you even need that. You can check out the different requirements for each state at A teacher’s key or guide comes with ever curriculum you purchase. I don't know algebra, but my daughter excels in it. Most programs are very self teaching. If there is a problem, we have a whole co op of parents and we all help each other out.4. In 7th grade, my daughter was done with all her "school" in about 3 to 4 hours max. No homework to speak of, just independent study.5. Scheduling in my family is a must. We meet and go over the work, the child works independently. I am always available to help if they get stuck. My kids "turn in" work at the end of the day and we go over mistakes or problems in the afternoon if we can or the next morning during our meeting. I have 2 ki! ds I home school and I run an in home daycare. 6. We are in the teachin! g mode 24 hours a day! 365 days a year. Everything is a lesson.Beware; you may get naysayer in the area of socialization. My kids are exposed to all types and ages of people in the "real world" every day. Compared to the subculture of public school, where kids are grouped into same age groups and expected to sit at a desk, following sometimes rigid "rules," I definitely prefer it. My kids know tons about government, because we have seen it work first hand though volunteering and trips. They are also involved in several clubs and sports as well as church and just hanging out with their many friends. Some times I wish they weren’t so social!Blessings...Show more

Joan Stavropoulos: 1) How long do you homeschool (through highschool?) Yes I plan on homeschooling all the way thru to graduation from Highschool. 2) Does a parent that home schools need to have any educational requirements? (i.e. must have masters degree) No most statees don't have any requirements like that.! 3) I am a fairly intelligent person, but have been stumped by my daughters 8th grade math questions. How do you teach something advanced unless you already know the work yourself? Like any other intelligent person that has access to books and the internet. You learn it yourself or learn it alongside your child. There is so much information out there and they make it simple to learn. Also, note Teachers in the school system have to study up on things too and also have an answer key. 4) How many hours per day of instruction (not counting "homework" do you give? How many hours of homework? Use the 7th grade as an example 3 hours max a day for instruction and maybe an hour to hour and half for homework.5) If you have more than 1 kid, how do you divide your time? I don't, but my sistre in law does and she gets one child started on their work and moves on the next and next until she has her class going. Little ones play while the older ones are working. She often has art out for ! the younger ones. 6) If you have kids in the 6th 7th and 8th grade, are! you in teaching mode 18 hours a day? I don't, but my sister in law sets time aside during the day and calls it quits by 1 every day. That is family time and fun time....Show more

King Bringle: 1) all the way through high school2) Every state has different laws, check out for each states laws concerning this.3)We either learn it along with our children, or we seek out other homeschooler and help each other out ~ we are in a support group as well as co-op group. 4)we dont do * homework*, and as far as how many hours, we really dont keep track, we feel that homeschooling is a life style , therefore we are always learning ~ we make *everything* into a *learning- thing*5) in our style of teaching/learning, we all work together. We use unit studies and what each child does is in accordance with his/her age/grade level. The older kids also now enjoy *teaching* the younger ones as well.6) we are always in Teaching/learning mode :-) we are parents after! all !...Show more

Monroe Rainey: 1) How long do you homeschool (through highschool?)*** We will most likely HS through high school, but DS's high school will not look like a typical path - he'll be in community college courses before he's 12 (he's 9 now). He's already in Algebra 1. He'll also take many high school and college courses online.*** Every family is different. Many do send kids to PS in high school and others don't.2) Does a parent that home schools need to have any educational requirements? (i.e. must have masters degree)*** Not in most states. In my state we just have to teach in English. There is no reporting and no testing or other requirements. We are a private school like any other, so we're exempt from the PS rules. DH and I both have B.S. degrees. The areas I'm strong in he's not and vice versa, so we make a great teaching team.3) I am a fairly intelligent person, but have been stumped by my daughters 8th grade math questions. How do you te! ach something advanced unless you already know the work yourself? *** Y! ou either re-learn along with the child, use a tutor, use a co-op class, enroll them in a teacher-led online class, or choose a curriculum that is self-teaching like Teaching Textbooks. As I said above, some parents balance each other. My DH is an engineer so math and science is not a problem, and I'm strong in Language Arts & history.4) How many hours per day of instruction (not counting "homework" do you give? How many hours of homework? Use the 7th grade as an example*** HS'ers don't have "homework", as all their work is HOMEwork. Homework from a B&M school just means "we didn't have time to devote to this in class and/or you weren't fast enough to finish, and/or I, the teacher, need you to do busywork."*** A typical HS lesson, for example is a 1:1 (or a sibling or two, too) lesson, then time for the child to work **at their own pace** (15 minutes or 2 hours - whatever they need) to finish the work. Some parents say, "you need to be done in an hour and if not, you'll! have to finish tonight" or whatever.*** You cannot compare apples to oranges with "time in school. Seven hours in a B&M school is not all direct time with a child. There is all that wasted time taking attendance, changing classes, lining up, getting the class to calm down, going to lunch, having assemblies, etc. In a homeschool, a lesson may take 15 minutes that one in a schoolroom would take an entire 55 minute period. Even then there are kids who still won't get it - and there's kids who got it at 15 minutes and have to suffer through boredom for the next 40 minutes (probably daydreaming, passing notes, texting on their phone, making faces at others, etc), but yet they are "in school". In a home, you don't have all of those time wasters.*** The average time a HS'ed middle schooler may do actual "curriculum" work (if they use one at all) is probably 5 hours/day. Also, many people like us do school year round, so we get in many hours equivalent to the B&M schools, but! with less hours in a day/month. It is all relative to *each* child si! nce they can go at their own pace.5) If you have more than 1 kid, how do you divide your time? *** I only have one that I HS, but most people "spin plates". They get one child set up with a math or reading lesson, have them do their independent work, move on to the next child, etc. Also, in multi-child homes, many of the siblings tutor their younger sibs. Or the family studies topics together with different expectations depending on the grade level. This is easy to do with non-core classes.6) If you have kids in the 6th 7th and 8th grade, are you in teaching mode 18 hours a day? *** No, as explained above. Most kids in middle school do the majority of their work independently.*** Well, actually I'm in teaching mode 24/7 - education and learning are just part of life. We may have hours we use a formal curriculum, but we're all constantly learning - most of the time out in the community.*** Thanks for asking honest questions for feedback. There are as many ways to HS a! s there are HS'ing familes....Show more

Stanton Villao: 1. Is homeschooling better than public school impossible to answer, as each school and each homeschool education varies 2. Can you pick your hours yes, in my state you can, some states may dictate that 3. How long is a day usually we're doing K right now, and hour or two a day. but we're always learning, so it's hard to quanitfy 4. Is there breaks in the day anytime you want, unless, again, you're in a state with more rigid requirements. 5. Is there homework kids work on their own at times if that's what you mean. 6. Is it harder, easier, the same again, depends on the school and on the homeschooling experience 7. Is it funner same answer as for question six. we have a lot of fun with our homeschooling. 8. Would it make my social life go down hill it doesn't need to, but then I know nothing about your specific social life 9. Do i get off the same days as the local public schools do depends on state standards/your! preferences 10. What are some other things i should know before decidi! ng on homeschooling or not what you want out of your education, what methods work best with your learning style...Show more

Gordon Showes: Well, at least you are asking questions to educate yourself about homeschoolers instead of makeing assumptions.So here goes (I'll answer as best I can)...... 1) How long......we do plan to homeschool thru High School, my daughter is only in the 3rd grade but she has grown by leaps since we started, my son is 14 (soon to be 15) and entering 10th grade this year and we are entering our 4th year of homeschooling.2)Each State has different requirements....I live in Florida and they DO NOT require the parent to have even so much as a High School Diploma. 3) While I do not claim to be the most intelligent person in the world, I at least try to have a good handle on a subject before I attempt to teach it to my children. Math was always my downfall and I truely worried for a time that I wouldn't be able to teach it to them properly, but I! found a good program called Ray's Arithmetic and it goes from Primary grade all the way thru College (yes it teaches Calculus) explains it to where even a math dummy like me can understand it.So I guess what I am trying to say is that if you are going to teach something then you should at least know what you are talking about. Either be willing to do the research so that you can teach it or find someone who might be able to help.4) Homeschooling is not about setting a certain numbers of hours aside each day to teach, it is about being willing to 'teach' 24/7. A homeschooler uses any and all situations to teach....the most innocent remark or question can turn into a full fledge lesson when you lest expect it. Now 'bookwork' can take us up to 8 hrs a day to do (each day is different).5) I have two children, my youngest is in 3rd grade and my eldest is going into 10th grade. Depending on the subject, each one works at his/her level and sometimes my son helps his sist! er. If my son is at an impass or we are starting a new area I will spli! t the time between them (lesson time 1 hr: 1/2 hr each child) if more time is needed than so be it. There are times that I will leave them to 'figure' it on their own in an attempt to promote self-teaching, but I am nearby if they need me.7) I am in Teacher/Mom/Housekeeper/Animal keeper mode 24/7.My son (the Highschooler) wants to be an Army Ranger and my daughter (grade school) wants to be a Palentologist.They are involved in Girl/Boy Scouts, Archery, Football,Soccer,Flute lessons, Ballet, Ice Skateing, Horseback Riding lessons, Civil War and Renassaince reenacting....Show more

Rufus Plough: 1) Yes. We did not begin until 8th grade.2) I am a high school graduate. My husband has some college.3) The classes my son takes are no more advanced than the classes I took while I was in public high school. If he decides he wants to take something I do not want to teach, we can do web classes at the fraction of the cost of private school. He will be able to take classe! s as dual enrollment at community college after he reaches age 16. If you get stumped by 8th grade math, do a search on line for examples. We use Saxon, and there is an answer guide and solution book. It also explains each step.4) All work is home work. He averages 4 hours a day on school work. 5) I have only one.6) Teaching mode? No. We have learning moments possible 24/7. The main goal for us is to raise a life long learner. Education does not end at age 18 or 21....Show more