Sunday, April 12, 2020

Car dealer repair question?

Pam Rampadarat: they will typically waive the diagnostic fee if you get them to fix the problem then and there.

Fred Caminita: I work at a dealership. The maintence shop will charge a flat, usually one hour labor rate ($94 isn't too bad, ours is $100) for the mechanic to go in and find the problem in your vehicle. You will be charged that amount just for them to diagnose the issue, even if you don't have them do any work to "fix" the problem. But like what was said before, some places will take that rate off your total, if and when you have the vehicle repaired.

Lou Rought: I work at a dealership and if the customer gets the work donewithin 30 days the diagnostic fee is put toward the work. Andthey charge that fee regardless if the work is done or not. And a lot of warranty companies will not pay the diag fee. It willcome out of the customer's pocket.

Jannette Kotz: I work at a car dealership where we do not do diagnostic testing. Anytime we send a v! ehicle to another shop we are charged their fee and $94 is the norm. Some dealerships will waive the fee if you have them do the work to fix the car. The older the car the harder the problem is to pinpoint with the diagnostic equipment.

Eleni Mccier: I just called them back. They said they will apply the $94 to the cost of the repair if I choose to get the work done.

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